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How the plagarism check works on

Free plagiarism check for everyone offers you an absolutely free plagiarism check for your documents. To start the scan, just click select your document in the upload form and enter your e-mail address, to which the result should be sent. That's it! No costs or obligations arise for you. Please note, however, that we offer this service only to individuals for private use and the use is limited to one upload per day. Each document can be up to 2000 words in length.

Free plagiarism check for members

After successfully finding an expert using, a form will appear directly in the detail view of your entry. Here you can submit your final document to our plagiarism check. Select your document and confirm it with the submit button. Of course there is no limitation in the size of the document. Now the paper is sent directly to the research center of PlagScan, which checks your work for possible signs of copy & paste. Of course, you do not need to install any software. The plagiarism test happens entirely without your intervention. Depending on the size of the document, this can take between a few seconds and a few hours. Subsequently, you will receive a copy of the test report by e-mail as well as the expert you hired.

Please note that not all references violate the criteria of (scientific) works. A quote is quite permissible and also wanted, but must be marked accordingly.

Upload document

Your document will be sent to PlagScan GmbH, Cologne, for verification. Your e-mail address will be stored on our servers for delivery of the test report. Further details are regulated in our privacy policy.

What are plagiarisms and what makes them so controversial?

A clear definition of what plagiarisms are does not exist. Accordingly, the phenomenon is all the more difficult to grasp. Colloquial, papers are designated as plagiarisms, which try to make the achievements of third parties work their own by taking over texts, conclusions and results, for example in unmentioned quotations. But other backgrounds can also be the reason that published texts or text sites are interpreted as plagiarism and that the plagiarism check is positive.

The cause of the absence of mentioned quotations does not have to be based on evil intentions, but can also be due to ignorance or sloppiness. In particular, with simpler texts (eg. product descriptions) or conclusions (eg from legal texts) it is more difficult to keep texts different from each other while sticking to the appropriate terminology.

What was often simply not discovered before the appearance of the internet can now simply found in seconds. Often it is sufficient to type a corresponding passage into a search engine to find the original source.

But to find reliable plagiarism, a simple search engine search is usually not enough. Too long are the texts and too complicated are the guidelines on what is considered plagiarism and what is not. That's why we rely on a professional data center for plagiarism testing, giving our users the security they need.

Why does offer a free plagiarism check?

Anyone looking for words like Plagarism check will quickly see that the subject of plagiarism has never been so present in the context of scientific work. Never before was the plagiarism scanner more in demand. Is this due to the fact that the workplace has diminished and Internet sources invite many writers to simply write off? This is not the case, because those who use the plagiarism software to check how much can be copied without falling into the grid will hardly succeed.

All authors on have to meet strict criteria in order to be able to become an expert. We stand for high-quality work at fair prices and would like to allow every member to convince themselves that all the essential guidelines were complied with in the creation of his paper.

But we also give the opportunity to review your work to non-members. From our own experience, we know that it is precisely in the first own work possible that here and there formal errors sneak in. With the plagiarism check of such errors are quickly found and can then be eliminated.

Of course, in any case, whether member or not, the plagiarism check is free.

For members

Find experts and let your writing job be done

  • Create your writing job
  • Receive offers and bids
  • Hire your desired expert

Receive the finished document and check it

  • Upload finished document
  • Automatic plagarism scan begins
  • Receive the complete plagiarism report by e-mail
  • Check out the result
  • No limits in document size
  • Completly free of charge

For guests

Create the work yourself, upload the finished document

  • Upload finished document
  • Automatic plagarism scan begins
  • Receive the complete plagiarism report by e-mail
  • Check out the result
  • Max. 2000 words
  • Max. one upload per day
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