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Bitte denkt daran, alle wichtigen Informationen oder Daten, die ihr benötigt, vor der Abschaltung zu sichern.
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Create writing job
Free & nonbinding

Choose a descriptive title!

Choose a title where experts will immediately see what your job is about. You do not have to choose the exact title your finished text should have, but describe what it is about.

A good title can look like this:

  • Proofreading History 10 pages
  • Write a biography | incl. interviews
  • Blog | Business Administration
  • Proofreading | 30 pages | Short story

Field is required
A good description is the key to good and fast offers.

Make sure that experts can see exactly what you need from your description. You do not have to reveal all the details, you can also later clarify detailed questions using the private message system. Make sure your description covers the following points:

  • Topic / Subject area
  • Existing literature
  • Volumne
  • When should your order be ready?

Attention: The specification of contact details (e-mail, name, internet pages etc.) are not permitted!

Choose the right category
You can arrange your listings of one or more categories. Choose the categories that best suit your needs.
Order type
Privacy settings
We protect your data!
Public entries have the largest reach and receive the fastest response. If you choose a "private" entry, the entry details can only be viewed by registered, verified or invited members. In addition, we instruct search engines not to index your entry. In addition, you can choose that only verified members can find your ad.
When must your job be finished?
Determine until when your contractor has time to finish your job. Plan also includes a possible correction loop or buffer.
How extensive is your order?
Orders in the field of academic ghostwriting violate our guidelines. By submitting the advertisement you assure that it is not a service in the field of Academic Ghostwriting. This also applies to university templates or similar. Please adhere to our guidelines so that we can continue to offer this free service.

By transmitting you do agree to our terms and conditions